Reflective Space to Linger
Certificate focused in Spiritual Direction from Sustainable Faith School of Spiritual Direction.
Certificate focused in Biblical Leadership from The Vineyard Institute.
Are you having a difficult time seeing where God is working in your life?
I am a Spiritual Director. Reach out to me for an appointment.
I am trained to walk with you on your faith journey.
During the session, as a Spiritual Director, I hold a space for you. I help to discern God's presence and movement in your life. I lead you to respond to God's movement and guide you to grow in intimacy with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
The focus is on intimacy with God,
not on the solving of clinically identified psychological problems.
Email me for your appointment:
What to expect:
60 minute sessions are safe, private, and confidential.
Prayer, Silence, Pondering, Welcoming of the Holy Spirit
It's a relaxed, unhurried conversation that leaves room for prayer and/or silence.
We pay attention to anything that currently seems meaningful or significant in your life.
We "dust for God's fingerprints"
I will accompany you as you seek your own direction from God; I'm not going to be telling you what you should do or not do.​
Typically, spiritual direction is conversation that unfolds over time, and it's over a period of time that we begin to notice things coming to light in a helpful way.
We focus on how God is active in your life and how you are responding. This helps to see Godʼs love for us and our desire to love God in return.
Discernment of God's movement, helping to turn towards Jesus in all aspects of life
Discernment of whether certain feelings or thoughts are from God or not, and help in deciding to follow those leadings or resist them.
Taking doubt to God's throne. Sometimes we doubt what is from God, or that God is listening to us or even cares about us. Spiritual direction provides a safe place to talk about these experiences and these doubts. All conversations are private and confidential.
What Do We Discuss?
You, as the directee, decide what we discuss. I do not provide the agenda, rather, I trust the Holy Spirit to guide you to what He would have us discuss during this holy time.
Cost for this Service
I offer this service for $45 per session. There are expenses related to becoming and remaining a spiritual director. If money is a concern, please discuss with me.
Session length and place
Sessions are 60 minutes long and monthly. However, they can occur more frequently, as needed. At This time, sessions will be virtual.
More info on Spiritual Direction, (Sustainable Faith)
Spiritual Direction is a one-on-one ministry aimed at helping us to hear God's voice and perceive God's action in our everyday life. We believe that God is present and active in all aspects of our life and is often calling us in particular directions and to particular actions. Meeting with a spiritual director provides a safe, private, nonjudgmental context where we can investigate and discern these movements of God in our life. With spiritual direction, you remain in charge of the process; you decide what to talk about and the nature of the personal information shared.
While spiritual directors have received training in various forms of personal prayer and spiritual growth, the primary focus is not to teach prayer methods or to provide answers to specific questions (though this often occurs). The primary focus is your awareness of God's action in your life and your response. This usually leads to a greater appreciation of God's love for us and our desire to love God in return.
As we believe that God desires to be present and active in every area of our life, any aspect of our life is appropriate for discussion with your spiritual director. This includes many of the issues addressed by counseling or psycho-therapy, such as challenges in relationships, family, jobs, etc. However, spiritual direction is not designed to address significant emotional or psychological issues. These are best addressed by certified counselors, clinical psychologists and psychotherapists.
Spiritual Direction is not Counseling or Mentoring
Spiritual direction gives you a sounding board to help your spiritual growth. Again, it is not designed to address significant emotional or psychological issues. With spiritual direction, you remain in charge of the process. You are in charge of what we discuss, and it is confidential. As the spiritual director, my job is to listen, ask open-ended questions, and to offer encouragement as we make space for God. Counseling is different, as it tends to focus more on solving specific problems. Mentoring is different, as it's intention is to pass on wisdom and experience. The primary focus of spiritual direction is not to teach prayer methods or to provide answers to specific questions (though this often occurs). The primary focus is the growth in your relationship with God, over your entire life, and specific to the present moment.